“More interesting and groundbreaking than anything I have seen in the last 5 years. One of the nicest opportunities we have seen in a long time. Can definitely be a unicorn.”
–Nina Tao,
Managing Director,
Vanguard Infinity
"This is absolutely fascinating. I love it. I've talked a lot about drones in the past but this is taking it to a new level. I think this has massive potential."

“Bold and broad vision, I love it!”

“Drisit is going to be something that we will benefit from…we participate in hearings and meetings, and if we’re discussing issues that require drone footage, we can livestream during a meeting or hearing”
–Alex Garcia,
Supervising Planner,
Los Angeles County Planning Department,
Drisit client (click for video)

“It’s a really good innovation.”
-Julian Deeks.
UK Civil Aviation Authority

-Alex Reznik,
Principal Global Architect,
Telco Edge,
Dell Technologies

“I like the demo. To be able to look at tourist attractions. If the intent is to augment travel.”
-Archana Arunkumar, SVP, Expedia

“You have data that people are dying to have…
I think it’s super exciting….”
–Saara Khan, Systems Integration Engineering Manager, Augmented Reality, Facebook

"This is absolutely fascinating. I love it. I've talked a lot about drones in the past but this is taking it to a new level. I think this has massive potential."
-Thomas Frey, Google's top-rated futurist and IBM's most award-winning engineer, on Drisit. Watch a 2-minute snippet of his keynote featuring Drisit at the Innovation Opportunity and Investment conference.
“This is pretty cool. I love your setup.”
–Christos Christou.
Booz Allen

“There’s interest from British Airways at BA Holidays, Digital and Marketing Teams, as well as involvement with Flying Start, BA’s Educational Charity.”
–Ailis Gavan, Head of Propositions, British Airways

“I’m quite impressed with the performance of the drones. I was looking for this kind of technology for the bridge inspection. It will help us monitor progress…will help supervising quality…save a lot of time and physical exertion. I would like to place it on more and more of the bridges”
–Mr. A Mittal
Managing Partner,
Mittal Brothers,
Drisit Construction Monitoring client (click for video)
“The field test was done very smoothly. It can help in automating almost all the challenges…future planning, keeping an eye on the targets…it will be helpful overall, especially in project planning…It has got to become a necessity for all the construction projects…We will have to use it. No options.”
–Mr. R. Singh,
Managing Director.
UP Bridge Corporation,
Drisit Construction Monitoring client (click for video)
"The problem is clear. No solution has been overly actionable. There’s a real need, a real use case", on Drisit for college security.”
--Steve Johnson, President & CEO, Talk-a-phone

"This is very cool! There’s some cool stuff we can do. This is real interesting stuff. Very intuitive. There is definitely a need in the market. Awesome stuff."
–John Baier, Vice President, Sports, Evolv Technology

“Mobilization of equipment and expertise to a site, if we can avoid that, that would be a key thing. Saves cost, and drone skillsets are scarce resources. We do have a lot of travel and downtime due to travel. The ability to support capabilities remotely is of interest. A lot of potential there, that’s for sure.”
-Dan Dang, Engagement and Adoption Consultant, Technology | Engineering | Knowledge (TEK),
John Holland

“Really cool and amazing capability. What I like about yours is it’s along the lines of what people think of when doing work with unmanned aircraft. Everybody envisions taking off remotely without leaving the office. It would be a great thing. Would definitely be a very useful work method.”
–Craig Stenberg, Southern California Edison

“Reduces the workload of the people in the field dealing with the cold. It's a very good benefit for sure. I like the bodyguard mode. It’s hard to operate a drone when you’re cold (without Drisit).”
– Mark Staples, Director, Forest Service, Utah Avalanche Center

“A lot of market to grab. I believe in your mission.”
Derrick Lewis, Senior Vice President - Cyber Insurance - Head of Cyber Insurance, Liberty Mutual Insurance

"Wow this is intriguing technology.
I think definitely it’s got heaps of potential for sure.
This is the future of where we want to head.
It’s got multiple applications that we could use.
It’s amazing. I think it’s great."

“It’s really cool technology. The future of a lot of things is this kind of technology for sure.”
-Trent Meisenheimer, Utah Avalanche Center
“Wow! This is really cool.”
–Kam Syed, Sales Leader for Global and Strategic Accounts at AWS

“This changes everything. It is that cool.”
-Teresa Grobecker, CEO, Consortia
“I think it’s pretty exciting and fascinating. There are lots of creative applications for it”
–Senator Anthony Portantino
“It definitely got our attention. On campus and more. We have talked to others. This one has a lot more potential. Man, this is awesome. This is super cool. Amazing. Oh man. This is so cool! I don’t know how to describe it. The simplicity of it is impressive. I’m super impressed with the technology and the interface and how simple it is to use.
“Same here. I was so impressed I got AJ here. He doesn’t need to be sold. He is mesmerized by the capability and application.”
“Fantastic. I can see so many applications in our daily operations.
“Sounds v. promising. The potential is so much.”
–Lt. Chris White & Captain Kang, Purdue University Police Department

“I believe in the Drisit’s team vision of shared, remote control of drones. The potentially viable use cases for the technology expand daily.”
–Craig Friedman, Founder, Arch Street Capital Advisors, New York
“There are clear uses in our Archaeology, Geography and History Departments.”
–Marek Tokarski, Senior Enterprise Manager, Durham University
“An interactive and memorable experience from the classroom.”
–Dr. Paul Miller, Managing Director, CEO
“This is great. This is really cool. You guys are doing exactly what we want to do. This is good stuff. Can’t wait”
–Bert Haskell, Standard Industries
"The [Drisit] latency is good. It's very simple to operate. This is very cool. Very easy to use"
--Charles Werner, Director, Drone Responders Public Safety Alliance and 45-year veteran of public safety.
"This is way cool "It's pretty amazing. It's just endless"
​-Cleve Adams, former CEO, AirPatrol Corporation, NASDAQ
“That nest is bad ass! It’s an absolute goldmine in every sense. To do it this way that gives home base eyes on the asset. Gives distance learning a whole new meaning. That’s very very powerful. I think it’s really really something. It’s cool”
- Thad Buck, Principal, Trestles Group
"I think this tool is going to be even more useful, especially as relates to construction projects, updating the council, updating the residents, and even provide accessibility for people who can't venture into areas they'd like to enjoy...We're very excited...to really benefit the public".
“This is so good. Spectacular. Impressive.
I can think of so many applications.”
–Miguel Alexander, Ceibos Group
“Never seen anything like this. Very interesting technology. I like it. It will grab people’s attention”
–Joe Jesuele, Founder and CEO, Homejab
“An interactive and memorable experience from the classroom.”
–Dr. Paul Miller, Managing Director, CEO
-Kraettli Epperson, Managing Director, JumpPhase Ventures · CEO of Autonomous Aviation Safety Company Commercializing NASA Technology, Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc.
"The [Drisit] latency is good. It's very simple to operate. This is very cool. Very easy to use"
--Charles Werner, Director, Drone Responders Public Safety Alliance and 45-year veteran of public safety.
“Remote actuation is especially interesting in mining and construction where asset lives at site and in HQ on a routine basis system can be dispositioned to scan an area. This is super interesting and I see a lot of value in collaboration going forward”
-Ben Williams, Chief Operating Officer | Exyn Technologies
–Ohad Barnoy, Amdocs

“Very few times I am speechless. I am blown away. It’s really something. I am so impressed with the technology, really want to find a way to partner. The data sets are incredibly useful and powerful for what we’re doing. What you produced is just amazing.”
- TJ Harrington, President, Incenter Agency Solutions
“This is a game changer if we are looking for applications”
–Pasadena Police Chief Gene Harris

“It’s going to work”
-Ryan Putman, Utah Department of Public Safety

“Companies like yours are fitting perfectly into the picture. I love what you’re doing”
–Martin Stenzig, Global Head for SAP BTP, Wipro and CTO, Rizing
“Every Tour Operator will want Drisit at each of their resorts"
–Katy Sayburn, ex Managing Director Hotel BH Mallorca & Monarch Airlines
“I see it great for property underwriting. I see the value.”
–Mark Fisher, Prime Insurance Company
“I’m really interested.”
–Paul New,
Co-founder & Director, The Institute for Drone Technology®

“We want to include Drisit in our revenue generating programs for Smart Stadiums across Australia, Singapore and UAE.”
–Adam Funnell, Senior Client Partner, Accubits Technology
“I think this is going to be a hit. I really like it”
–Trent Fowler, The Da Vinci Institute
“I think this is going to be a hit. I really like it”
–Trent Fowler, The Da Vinci Institute
"My mind is spinning...in a good way Very much want to get you connected. It's really really interesting. This is pretty wild."
-Zack Nobinger, T-Mobile